Welcome to Our Clinic

Photo Credit: Rudy Hargesheimer

A Letter From the Owner

I am lucky enough to live on a lake without much development on it. We do not have a sandy shoreline, rather a half a foot of mucky vegetation where the panfish, turtles, and lily pads own the land. There comes a point in the evening when the lake turns to glowing glass and you can see the silhouettes of all the old trees and the sun setting in its reflection. It’s when the dragonflies feast above us for insects and even the smallest of fish gorge on them as they land for a drink. The herons, swallows, geese, hawks, eagles are all just as active, but it’s the call of the loon–the most evocative sound that sticks with everyone for the rest of their lives– that gets me. Their sound punctuates the fall of the night and sets the mood for solace and peacefulness. For me personally, being a part of all of this is what makes me feel the most well. That’s why the clinic could have no other name than Loon Holistic Health. I want you to enter the clinic and know that you are in the place where you will know your feelings of wellness.

I am dedicated to providing you with a relaxing space, filled with original art, community and history. A place where you can count on the expertise and wisdom of the practitioners. A place where you can let go, heal, recover, and allow your body, mind, and spirit to be in your natural state. 

I hope you find exactly what you need here. 

